All funds are invested in accordance with the Foundation’s investment strategy. The income generated from these investments is used to fund special projects for the Horsham and Dimboola hospitals. This vision ensures there will be an income stream in perpetuity to assist in purchasing items to provide better healthcare in our region.
A minimal percentage of funds is used for administration purposes. In the year ending 30 June 2023, less than 2% of income was expended on administration costs.
You can email or phone (03) 5381 9098 with your query and we can assist you further.
You may choose to donate funds, as a once-off or on a regular basis or you may consider a bequest in your Will. If you enjoy volunteering, joining the Friends of the Foundation may be for you. You may prefer to host your own event and donate the funds raised to the Foundation.
The Friends of the Foundation (FOFz) are a group of volunteers who love to have fun socialising while raising money for the Foundation. They have gained a reputation for successfully hosting a variety of events throughout the year such as movie nights, local food and wine tasting and the great duck race on the Wimmera River.